Brightening a Room with Yellow

When it comes to colors, yellow is one of the most versatile and is great for lifting your mood. With any color, it’s important to keep in mind which hues work best in specific rooms. Bright yellows should be kept out of bedrooms and offices, as they can disrupt sleep and concentration, while pale, buttery yellows work well in just about any room.

A bold yellow creates a real punch. It fosters productivity and creative energy, and when paired with blue and white accents, it can create a striking contrast.

On the opposite spectrum, crisp whites and a light yellow, which function as a neutral, brings a sense of calmness to the room.
As an accent color, yellow pairs beautifully with darker colors. The yellow and cooler shades work harmoniously to make the room pop and add character.
Would you choose to use yellow as an accent color or as the focal point of your room?