Playing With Textures

Textures are in, and it’s time to embrace soft velvets, suede, and textured corduroy. Vastly different, these fabrics are both sophisticated yet durable, and can match beautifully with darker color schemes.

Corduroy, which is comprised of twisted fibers that form a “cord,” is a rigid form of velvet. Wider wales on a sofa, which is the width of the cord, brings about a homey feel to your space, while wider wales on throw pillows pack a punch of pizazz to neutral pieces in your interior.

If you’re up for mixing textures, try combining leather cushions with corduroy throws to add interest to your seating arrangements. Be brave with your upholstery choices, and if bringing an eclectic feel to your space is the look you want, mixing textures is your route.

How do you decorate with different textures?